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《十二生肖奇遇记——每个人都是了不起的,小猴啊申拜师记》A-Shen the Monkey Looks for a Master

代理机构:中华版权代理总公司/ ANGECY:Copyright Agency of China

可授权语言:各种语言,不包含中文简体字版权/ World Rights Excluded Simplified Chinese




PNSO 地球故事科学艺术创作计划(2010—2070)/PNSO's Scientific Art Projects Plan: The Stories on Earth (2010—2070)


《十二生肖奇遇记》通过 12 个善良、美好和温情的童话故事,讲述 了 12 种面临不同命运的动物,如何正确地看待自己,看待世界,如何真 正的从内心接纳自己,承认自己的优点,也宽容自己的不足的故事。这 12 个小动物,是每一个孩子的缩影,它们面对的问题,是每一个孩子曾经、 正在或者将来要面对的问题,而它们凭借自己的善良、勇敢、智慧最终 解决了所有的难题,则给了孩子们巨大的力量。每一个阅读自己生肖故 事的孩子,一定都会同自己的生肖伙伴一起,勇敢地面对生活中的并不 光亮的时刻,积极快乐地迎接更加光明和幸福的未来。


This series portrays the 12 animal characters through stories that extol kindness and beauty. It tells how these 12 animals, each facing a different fate, accept who they are, admit their strengths and tolerate their shortcomings, and learn to view themselves and the world positively. These 12 animals act as mirror images for every child. Their problems are the problems that every child has met or will meet in the future. By being kind, brave, and intelligent, they finally solve all the problems. Their actions will give the young readers tremendous strength. Every child who reads the story of his zodiac animal will surely identify with his zodiac partner. The child will learn to face the less bright moments in life bravely, be confident and happy, and eventually live a brighter and happier future.





“赵闯和杨杨 以及 PNSO 地球故事科学艺术创作计划(2010—2070)

赵闯和杨杨是一个科学艺术家团体,其中赵闯先生是一位科学艺术家,杨杨女士 是一位科学童话作家。两人于2010 年6 月1 日在北京正式宣布成立“PNSO 啄木鸟 科学艺术小组”,开始职业化的科学艺术创作与研究事业,同时启动“PNSO 地球故事 科学艺术创作计划(2010—2070)”。该计划旨在通过科学艺术这一古老的叙事形式, 基于最新科学进程的研究成果,讲述生命演化过程中物种、自然环境、社群、文化等 事物的内在关系,以人类文明视角表达地球的过去、现在与未来,创始人赵闯先生和 杨杨女士希望通过持续60 年的科学艺术和文学作品创作与理论研究,以出版、展览、 课程等多种知识分享方式,为科研机构和公众尤其是青少年提供科学艺术服务。

目前,PNSO 已经独立或参与完成了多个重要的创作与研究项目,成果广泛被社 会各界应用与传播。在专业合作方面,PNSO 接受全球多个重点实验室的邀请进行科 学艺术创作,为人类正在进行的前沿科学探索提供专业支持,众多作品发表在《自然》《科 学》《细胞》等全球著名的科学期刊上。在大众传播方面,大量作品被包括《纽约时报》《华 盛顿邮报》《卫报》《朝日新闻》《人民日报》以及BBC、CNN、福克斯新闻、CCTV 等 在内的全球上千家媒体的科学报道中刊发和转载,用于帮助公众了解最新的科学事实 与进程。在公共教育方面,PNSO 与包括美国自然历史博物馆、中国科学院、诺丁汉 城市博物馆、重庆自然博物馆等在内的全球各地的公共科学组织合作推出了多个展览 项目,与世界青年地球科学家联盟、国际地球科学议题基金会等国际组织联合完成了 多个国际合作项目,帮助不同地区的青少年了解和感受科学艺术的魅力。

ZHAO Chuang and YANG Yang are two professionals who work together to create scientific art. Mr. ZHAO Chuang, a scientific artist, and Ms. YANG Yang, an author of science books for children, started working together when they jointly founded PNSO, an organization devoted to the research and creation of scientific art in Beijing on June 1st, 2010. A few months later, they launched Scientific Art Projects Plan: Stories on Earth (2010-2070). The plan uses scientific art to create a captivating, historically accurate narrative. These narratives are based on the latest scientific research, focusing on the complex relationships between species, natural environments, communities, and cultures. The narratives consider the perspectives of human civilizations while exploring Earth's past, present, and future. The PNSO founders plan to spend 60 years to do research and create unique and engaging scientific art and literature for people around the world. They hope to share scientific knowledge through publications, exhibitions, and courses. PNSO's overarching goal is to serve research institutions and the general public, especially young people.

PNSO has independently completed or participated in numerous creative and research projects. The organization's work has been shared and loved with thousands of people around the world. PNSO collaborates with professional scientists and has been invited to many key laboratories around the world to create scientific works of art. Many works produced by PNSO staff members have been published in leading journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell. The organization has always been committed to supporting state-of-the-art scientific explorations. In addition, a large number of illustrations completed by PNSO staff members have been published and cited in hundreds of well-known media outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, Asahi Shimbun, People's Daily, BBC, CNN, Fox News, and CCTV. The works created by PNSO staff members have been used to help the public better understand the latest scientific discoveries and developments. In the public education sector, PNSO has held joint exhibitions with scientific organizations including the American Museum of Natural History and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. PNSO has also completed international cooperation projects with the World Young Earth Scientist Congress and the Earth Science Matters Foundation, thus helping young people in different parts of the world understand and appreciate scientific art.
